Is there anything worse than going out in the kitchen at night to get a midnight snack to see that Cockroaches have already been snacking on your food. Or when you open up the cabinet to get a clean plate, to find out it's not really clean because German Cockroaches have been spreading bacteria around. But don't sweat it, Affordable Termite & Pest Control, LLC has the solution.
German cockroaches are the most common cockroach found in Texas. German cockroaches are small ½ to 5/8 inch long and are light brown with two dark stripes on the back side. They are mostly nocturnal and come out late at night and early mornings to see what food and moisture you have left out for them. They are mainly found inside, around kitchen and bathrooms but can be found in other rooms as well. They hide in cracks and crevices in cabinets behind electrical outlet plates and inside electrical devices like microwaves, refrigerators and dishwashers. German Cockroaches can be introduced into your home and or business by hitchhiking on other objects. If you receive a product used like a refrigerator or dresser or even a couch then it could be infested with German cockroaches. In commercial properties like restaurants or grocery stores German cockroaches can be introduced from receiving goods from warehouse and distributors. It is important to check and intercept all items before bring them inside. If you do bring an infested item inside, it will not take long for German cockroaches to infest a property.
German Cockroaches are a major health issue because they transfer germs and are associated with allergies and asthma. Properties that are infested can have a musty foul odor that German Cockroaches secrete. German Cockroaches also leave fecal droppings where they congregate, it looks like small black dots usually a pepper like substance. These droppings can be found under kitchen countertops, inside cabinet corners and around appliance’s. The female German Cockroach carries a ootheca a brown pill like looking object, inside the ootheca there can be up to 50 eggs. It usually takes around 100 days for the eggs to mature to adults. This is one of the reason German Cockroaches multiply so quickly and are so hard to control. If after a treatment one of these ootheca eggs hatch out, you can have a re-infestation.
For the initial German Cockroach treatment we ask that you empty out all the cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms, clear off all counter tops and move things away from the baseboards. We recommend that children and pets be removed from the treatment area and allow for the treatment to properly dry before bring them back inside. The initial treatment is done by performing a crack and crevices treatment in all of the kitchen & bathroom cabinets, behind kitchen appliances, baseboards, and all herbage areas. This treatment is designed to get the German Cockroaches out of there hiding areas and on the chemical product. Follow up treatments are done by using baits, dusts and liquid insecticides in specific areas to target the German Cockroaches. If your appliances are infested with German Cockroaches we recommend that they are taken out of your home to be taken apart and cleaned out or replaced. Affordable Termite & Pest Control, LLC will not take apart your appliances to treat inside of them. A one-time German Cockroach Treatment will not totally control an infestation. This is why Affordable Termite & Pest Control, LLC recommends multiple follow up treatments. All at additional cost to gain control of German Cockroaches.
For more information, please call Affordable Termite & Pest Control, LLC. at (254) 368-1206