Fire Ants are major nuisance pest in Texas. Fire Ants are usually found outside in a sunny area in yards and soil, fire ant infestations can get out of hand very quick and your yard can have several dozen ant mounds making it uninhabitable to use for your family and pets. Red imported fire ants are very aggressive and will sing multiple times and can cause serious medical problems. Red imported fire ants can sometimes make mounds next to buildings on the outside walls and in exposed soil inside buildings like bath traps. Fire Ant mounds are round and can be several feet across in size making your yard very unpleasant to look at. Affordable Termite & Pest Control, LLC offers two types of Fire Ant Yard Control. Direct mound treatments with a liquid Insecticide or with an ant bait granulation.
Direct mound treatment with a liquid insecticide is designed to be a quick knock down. The visible Fire Ant mounds will be drenched down with a truck mounted power sprayer. This can take several gallons depending on the size of the fire ant mound.
Ant bait granulation is done by spreading an ant bait granular out and around the fire ant mounds or as a broadcast application treatment in your yard. When ants are actively foraging they will bring the bait back to the Fire Ant colonies, slowly causing colony elimination.
Fire Ant Yard Control is not part of a General Pest Control program. Fire Ant Yard Control can take several gallons of insecticide or several pounds of ant bait granulation, depending on the size of the property and the amount of treatable mounds.
For more information, please call Affordable Termite & Pest Control, LLC. at (254) 368-1206